Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Electronic Collaboration with Google Docs

This year student email accounts at Elkhorn Area High School switched over to Gmail. Several teachers also made the switch and are discovering the benefits of Google Docs. Students have access to an online word processor, presentation maker, spreadsheet tool, form creator, and drawing tool that saves documents in the cloud that can be accessed from anywhere (no more inaccessible H-drives). Each of these applications have many of the same features as the same tools from Microsoft Office, although they do not necessarily have some of the advanced graphic features. The learning curve for most students is typically short and docs can be accessed through their school gmail accounts.

Accessibility and cost are both great features of Google Docs but the most powerful impact may be the collaborative functions. Documents can be shared and accessed by multiple students and the teacher with the click of a mouse. This allows multiple students to work together on the same document. It offers a chatting feature as well for the collaborators on a document. Teachers will find the commenting tool convenient as they can give students feedback right on the document. For more information check out the Google Docs Channel on You tube, contact me, or leave a comment.